À propos de nous
Pointury est reconnu pour organiser des tables rondes inspirantes pour les leaders numériques, avec un accent particulier sur la cybersécurité. Ces événements offrent des perspectives précieuses, des échanges dynamiques et des opportunités de réseautage pour les CIO, CISO et autres leaders IT, avec des conférenciers de renom et des représentants de fournisseurs IT de premier plan.
Les leaders numériques peuvent participer aux événements de Pointury en visitant www.pointury.com. Vous y trouverez des informations sur les événements à venir et pourrez vous y inscrire.
Comment faisons-nous cela?
Notre processus d'organisation d'événements, qui comprend plusieurs étapes clés :
- Planification: Nous commençons par identifier des sujets pertinents, sélectionner une date appropriée, et définir le titre, le contenu et l'agenda. Nous collaborons avec nos sponsors pour finaliser tous les détails de l'événement.
Intervenants : Nous identifions et préparons les intervenants.
Participants: Nous créons une page dédiée à l'événement, envoyons les invitations et prenons en charge tous les aspects de l'inscription, y compris les confirmations et les rappels.
Lieu : Nous gérons tous les détails pratiques de l'événement et assurons une modération ainsi qu'un déroulement fluide tout au long de l'événement.
Communication : Nous annonçons l'événement sur LinkedIn et publions également un article après l'événement. Un article relatif à l'événement est également ajouté à nos publications.
Nos partenaires
Comité consultatif
Ce que disent les participants
Olivier Van Eesbeecq, Head of ICT & Facilities @ Stibbe
23/04/24: I had the pleasure of attending the insightful roundtable on Handling Cybersecurity Incidents on September 25, 2024, hosted by Luc Brouwers from Pointury. With 24 attendees, including prominent CIOs and CISOs, the event brought together leading minds in the industry to share best practices for managing cybersecurity incidents. The presentations by Marc Vael and Tom De Laet provided clear, actionable guidance on how to handle the various stages of a cybersecurity incident.
Sélim Ourtani, Founder & CEO of Sertalink
23/04/24: Thank you Johan Kestens and Luc Brouwers for the great evening and great executive people that where onsite! I loved the knowledge sharing sessions during the night!
Pieter Van Geite, IT Director at Buildwise
18/04/24: Once again a inspirational event at a beautiful setting
Renauld Duchesne, Sales Manager - Cyber Security at EASI
06/03/24: Thanks Luc Brouwers, Johan Kestens, Marc Vael , Mimecast, and all the participants. Full of tips and tricks and even some Greek Mythology analogies. I wrote down also some books & movies names.
Simon Moffat, Founder & Research Analyst at the Cyber Hut
09/11/23: Thanks for hosting! Great event and venue.
Isabelle Roucou, Digital Transformation Leader
21/09/23: Thanks for the invitation, and the very interesting guest and audience participation.
Both the subject and the networking were rich in content and inspiration.
Kevin Moolenschoot, Head of Technology Strategy & Enterprise Architecture at VRT
14/09/23: Thank you for the fantastic evening! I enjoyed the nice setting and the interesting conversations! The world is changing, but the biggest challenge is yet to come. #AI rocks the world!
Peter De Bruyne, ICT Manager Benelux at Altrad
14/09/23: Many thanks for orchestrating these enlightening roundtable discussions. It was truly enriching to take part in last night's engaging conversations on intriguing hashtag#AI topics alongside fellow participants and sponsors.
Jocelyn Darbroudi, Former CIO of Securex
14/09/23: One of the most sincere and genuine roundtables ever.
Tijs Blancquaert, CISO at ECS
07/09/23: "Thank you for hosting another well-organised, inspiring, and valuable networking round table event!"
Patrick Putman, CIO of Manuchar
05/07/23: Great round table event, easy networking, interesting and very well organised as usual.
Olivier Van Eesbeecq, Head of ICT at Stibbe
05/07/23: Top round table Luc! Thanks for the perfect organisation.
Joran Leenders, Group Information Security Officer at Ardo
05/07/23: The Pointury events are well thought out. A group of around 20 top attendees at one table in a privitased room makes for meaningful discussions
Carlo Werbrouck, CISO at P&V Group
05/07/23: “Always an interesting conversation between peers”.
Kristiaan Janssens, Senior Account Executive at Boomi
13/06/23: The organisation was great. I was very happy that everyone showed up. We had an instructive and valuable evening. Looking forward to your next event!
Peter Winkelmans, Head of Enterprise Architects at Carrefour
20/10/22: Thanks, an inspiring evening.
Artie Debidien CIO at KPN
22/03/22: Today we were invited by Luc Brouwers from Pointury for the online lunch meeting 'Beyond the Cloud'. An open discussion and sharing amongst a small group cross sector senior executives CIO's/COO's An Swalens Peter HJ van Eijk Yves Peeters and F5 trusted advisors. We have enjoyed an elaborate dialogue while being served a decadent lunch. Thank you for inviting me and allowing me to be part of a good and relevant discussion!
Wim Nagels, CIO at DPD (Benelux)
13/01/22 : Insightful round table.
Hans Christiaens, IT Project and Application Manager at Astara Western Europe
15/09/21: Definitely one of the better online events I have attended recently, well organised, very interesting speakers and attendees sharing real live cases and experiences.
Geert Vanvaerenbergh, CEO @ Combo
15/09/21: Wonderful to see how Luc pushes online meetings to a next level.