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BE20230907  Cybersecurity and AI Banner-2On Thursday September 7, 2023 we had another great Pointury event, this time about Cybersecurity and AI with Professor Bart Preneel as guest speaker and sponsored by F5.

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In our increasingly digital world, where data is a valuable commodity and the threat of cyberattacks looms large, the marriage of artificial intelligence (AI) and cybersecurity has sparked both excitement and concern. AI has not only offered hackers sophisticated tools for intrusion but has also empowered cybersecurity software to detect suspicious behavior more efficiently.

Professor Preneel explored the evolving landscape of AI and cybersecurity, delving into the potential benefits and challenges it presents.

AI's Impact on Cybersecurity

So far the European approach was to secure everything while the American approach was to try to detect malicious behaviour and punish it. Europe has started to shift to the American approach yet with a sharp increase in computers, an exponential growth of IoT devices, and AI allowing hackers to craft more convincing phishing emails and attack systems and networks more easily, this approach may no longer hold.  

On the flip side, cybersecurity experts have harnessed AI to bolster their defence mechanisms. AI-driven systems can detect anomalies and patterns indicative of potential threats, enabling organisations to respond to cyberattacks more swiftly.

Entering a New League

The integration of AI into cybersecurity has indeed propelled the field into a new league. It has allowed for real-time threat analysis and proactive defense measures. However, this advancement also raises thought-provoking questions and concerns:

AI Failures: As AI becomes increasingly complex, there is a growing concern that it may fail in ways that we do not fully understand. Undetected vulnerabilities or unintended consequences in AI systems could lead to significant security risks.

AI Autonomy: Will AI models set their own goals and potentially act in ways that go against human intentions? This question highlights the importance of ethical considerations in AI development.

Deceptive AI: Can AI models lie? With the ability to generate convincing text and deepfake videos, there is a genuine concern that AI could be used to deceive individuals and organisations, even without this being the intention.

Uncontrolled AI: Will AI become so advanced that humans can no longer control it? This scenario, often referred to as the "singularity," poses a significant existential threat.

Malicious AI vs. Malicious Use: What will be more evil: malicious AI that operates independently or individuals using AI for criminal purposes? The answer may depend on the context and the scale of harm caused.

Wealth and Power Imbalance: With the potential for AI-driven innovations to concentrate wealth and power in the hands of a few, there is a concern about the implications for global inequality and societal stability.


The integration of AI into cybersecurity has undeniably ushered in a new era of defense and threat. AI-powered systems enable faster threat detection and response, providing a valuable layer of protection in an increasingly digital world. However, the rapid evolution of AI also raises profound questions about its potential risks and ethical considerations.

As we continue to navigate this complex landscape, it is imperative that we approach AI and cybersecurity with caution and foresight. Developing robust safeguards, ethical guidelines, and international cooperation will be crucial in harnessing the benefits of AI while mitigating its potential risks. Balancing innovation with responsibility will be the key to ensuring that AI serves as a force for good in the realm of cybersecurity and beyond.

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